Corumbá International Airport
At the airport
What is security screening?
Security screening is a requirement for boarding. The procedure follows international standards and aims to ensure the safety of the flight. To access the boarding gate, all passengers must pass through the metal detector, except those with pacemakers or cochlear implants, who undergo different security procedures before accessing the gate.
Do I need to undergo inspection procedures?
Passengers and carry-on baggage must undergo mandatory security screening before entering the boarding area. In case of refusal, the passenger will not be granted access to the boarding area. Please cooperate with the procedure, which follows international security standards. For more information, contact the airline.
What is a personal search?
A personal search is an alternative or additional security measure that involves a physical examination of the body, clothing, and other accessories, with the passenger's consent. The search should be conducted by a same-sex police officer or aviation security officer, who may request to perform the procedure in a private room with a witness being present.
If you have a valid reason for not going through the metal detector, you have the option to undergo a personal search. Pregnant women may request a physical search or manual metal detector screening, instead of the metal detector. As this is an alternative or additional security measure, the physical search may still be conducted after passing through the metal detector.
Passengers who refuse to undergo a personal search will not be granted access to the boarding area. Remember: these procedures are mandatory and aim to ensure your safety. Please cooperate.
If you have a valid reason for not going through the metal detector, you have the option to undergo a personal search. Pregnant women may request a physical search or manual metal detector screening, instead of the metal detector. As this is an alternative or additional security measure, the physical search may still be conducted after passing through the metal detector.
Passengers who refuse to undergo a personal search will not be granted access to the boarding area. Remember: these procedures are mandatory and aim to ensure your safety. Please cooperate.
Who can enter the boarding areas?
Access to the boarding areas is restricted to passengers holding a valid boarding pass and have undergone the required inspection procedures. The document issued by the airline, with a date and time compatible with the passenger’s arrival, is considered valid. Therefore, please observe the time indicated on your boarding pass to enter the boarding area. Access to the boarding area is not permitted without a boarding pass.
Can I bring luggage trolleys into the boarding area?
Luggage trolleys are not allowed in the boarding area.
Why do I need to go through the X-ray machine?
This procedure is required according to international security standards. Before entering the boarding area, passengers must pass through metal detectors, and carry-on baggage must undergo X-ray inspection.
Carrying sharp or piercing objects, such as knives, nail scissors, etc., is prohibited. If you forget to check them in, these items will have to be discarded during the inspection.
Passengers may be randomly selected for manual inspection of their carry-on belongings, even if the bag has already passed through the X-ray machine. If this situation occurs, passengers must consent to have their carry-on baggage checked by the staff. Passengers who refuse to undergo this procedure will not be granted access to the boarding area.
Remember: these procedures are mandatory and aim to ensure your safety. Please cooperate.
Consult the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) and check the items allowed for transport on aircraft.
Can passengers leave the boarding area?
Passengers can leave the boarding area, but upon returning, they will have to undergo security screening again. Additionally, they will need to present their boarding pass once more to enter the boarding area.
If you do need to leave the boarding area, please seek guidance from an airport or airline staff member. Remember to be at the boarding gate at the time determined by the airline.
If you do need to leave the boarding area, please seek guidance from an airport or airline staff member. Remember to be at the boarding gate at the time determined by the airline.
How should I proceed when going through the metal detector?
Before going through the metal detector, remove coins, cellphones, keys, belts, and other metal objects from your pockets. Place these items inside your carry-on baggage if possible, or place them on the tray provided so that you can pass through the X-ray tunnel. You may also be required to remove your shoes when requested.
Carry-on baggage will undergo X-ray inspection. If any prohibited items are detected, they may be discarded during the inspection. Laptops, notebooks, and portable computers must be removed from your carry-on baggage to pass through the X-ray machine. Any item in your carry-on baggage may be manually inspected by an agent in your presence. Please cooperate with the baggage inspection to avoid inconvenience and delays.
Carry-on baggage will undergo X-ray inspection. If any prohibited items are detected, they may be discarded during the inspection. Laptops, notebooks, and portable computers must be removed from your carry-on baggage to pass through the X-ray machine. Any item in your carry-on baggage may be manually inspected by an agent in your presence. Please cooperate with the baggage inspection to avoid inconvenience and delays.
Can the departure gate change?
Both the flight schedule and departure gate may change. Pay attention to the information displayed on arrival and departure boards distributed throughout the airport terminal, as well as to the audible boarding announcements.
Is it possible that I may not be able to board a planned flight?
Yes. Delays, cancellations, and flight disruptions can occur in air transport anywhere in the world due to various factors such as technical issues, weather conditions and air traffic, among others. In these situations, the airline should provide material assistance to passengers. Read the Passenger Rights section for more information.
What happens to passengers when the airport is closed?
Landings and takeoffs may be suspended if the weather or operational conditions are not suitable for safe procedures. It is important to note that even in cases where the delay is caused by adverse weather or operational conditions, passengers' rights to material assistance, re-accommodation and reimbursement remain valid. Read the Passenger Rights section for more information.
Who is responsible for the buses that transport passengers from the plane to the terminal?
The transportation of passengers between the apron and the terminal is requested by the airline in advance so that the airport operator can send the necessary buses.
Who is responsible for parking lots at the airports?
Each airport operator has the freedom to define the management method for its parking lots, which can be operated directly or indirectly. For more information, refer to the Airport Guide.
Are there any guidelines for taxis and buses at airports?
Public transportation (buses and taxis) is regulated and provided by the competent public authority.