Corumbá International Airport
The airport
Known as the capital of the Pantanal, Corumbá stands out in the mining, fishing and tourism sectors. Strategically located on the borders between Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia, the municipality serves as another gateway into Brazil for neighboring countries.
Attracted mainly by the natural beauty of the Pantanal, visitors find a rich cultural diversity in Corumbá, with indigenous, South American, Arab, Italian and Portuguese influences, which are revealed in the cuisine and music.
Corumbá International Airport, a city located more than 420 kilometers from Campo Grande, capital of Mato Grosso do Sul, receives around 200 passengers per day. Check out other features of Corumbá International Airport (SBCR).
Gross Lettable Area: 245.63 m²
Gross Lettable Area: 245.63 m²
Location: Rua Santos Dumont, s/n – Bairro Aeroporto, CEP: 79332-150
Iata/Icao acronyms: CMG/SBCR
Airport site: 1,216 million meters²
Maneuvering apron: 5 positions for medium and large aircraft - 14,723 m²
Stay apron: 35 positions for small aircraft - 43,810 m
Track dimensions: 1,500m x 45m
Passenger terminal: 2,403 m²
Passenger capacity/year: 200 thousand / year
Vehicle parking: 50 spaces