Environment and Sustainability

Check out the policies and programs developed by Aena Brasil for the area of environment and sustainability.


The Sustainability Strategy presents the environmental, social and corporate governance measures adopted by Aena Brasil to face the effects of climate change.

Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations (SDGs), planning is made up of five strategic programs: carbon neutrality; sustainable aviation; responsible use of resources; community and sustainable value chain; social commitment.

For each of these pillars, different lines of action were developed, in addition to projects and actions that seek to make the operation of airports and other activities of Aena Brasil more sustainable.

Aena Brasil's goal, in line with Aena Spain, is to eliminate carbon emissions by 2030, in accordance with the commitment made with the United Nations.

Check the table located at the bottom of the page for the Sustainability Strategy and other documents that reinforce the concessionaire's commitment to the environment.

Climate Change

Climate Action Plan
The Climate Action Plan assembles programs, initiatives and projects that must be implemented to reduce carbon dioxide emissions derived from the activities of Aena Brasil, but also from its interest groups, through work in partnership with airlines, service providers services, air traffic services, fuel producers, aircraft manufacturers and other contributors.

Carbon Footprint
Aena Brasil annually calculates the total volume of greenhouse gases (GHG) generated by its activities, which makes it possible to monitor the progress made in meeting the objectives of the Climate Action Plan and identify the effectiveness of the measures applied.

To make the calculation, the company classifies GHG emissions as follows:

Scope 1- Direct emissions from sources or processes and activities controlled by Aena at its facilities.
Scope 2- Indirect emissions produced by the generation of electricity or thermal energy purchased and consumed at airports.
Scope 3- Includes the remaining indirect emissions from third-party emissions related to airports.

Air Quality

Climate change represents the greatest environmental challenge we must face on a global scale and, therefore, governments and organizations across the planet must join forces to seek measures to mitigate its effects and adapt to the socio-environmental crisis.
We know that passengers value air transport and the economic, cultural and personal benefits it brings, but they also want to travel in a more sustainable way. Therefore, we believe that, as an airport operator, we must make an additional effort, working collaboratively with all industry players to ensure that aviation is committed to the sector's decarbonization and sustainability advances.

In this sense, of the global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), about 2.5% correspond to the aviation sector. Of this total, 95% is generated by aircraft, while the rest is attributed to the direct control of airports, that is, it is due to activities carried out at airport facilities, which involve numerous agents in its supply chain.

Our Climate Change strategy:

At Aena Brasil, we work to face climate change and mitigate its effects. To this end, we have a Climate Change Strategy, whose main objective is to achieve a progressive reduction in CO2 emissions derived from our activity.

This Strategy is developed along four lines of work that include a set of specific emission reduction objectives and a broad set of measures that allow their fulfillment:

Energy efficiency;
Energy from renewable sources;
Reduction of fuel emissions;
Reduction of Third Party Emissions.

Aena Brasil has systems for measuring atmospheric pollution, which make it possible to determine the concentration level of the main substances produced by its activity. The main emissions relevant to local air quality attributed to aircraft operations at airports are as follows:

Nitrogen oxides (NOx);
Carbon Monoxide (CO);
Unburnt hydrocarbons (H-C);
Sulfur dioxide (SO2);
Fine Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5).
Check the Aena Brasil Air Quality Reports in the box at the bottom of this page.

Aircraft noise and Sustainability

Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA
The Brazilian Civil Aviation Regulation (RBAC) requires that airports with an annual average movement of aircraft of more than 7.000 over the last three years must establish an Aeronautical Noise Management Commission (CGRA).

Among the airports managed by Aena Brasil, six have the CGRA, which has the objective of discussing the elaboration, updating and implementation of the Aeronautical Noise Zoning Plan (PZR) of the aerodromes.

It is up to CGRA to propose measures to monitor noise, identify the most critical locations, control and support actions to mitigate the problem, in addition to many other activities listed in the RBC.
A collaborative forum, the CGRA is formed by airport employees, representatives of the communities surrounding the terminals, environmental agencies, the control tower, as well as authorities from the municipalities covered by the PZR, among others involved in issues related to aircraft noise, land use and operations at the aerodrome.

In 2023, Aena Brasil signed Concession contract No. 002/ANAC/2023 - SP/MS/PA/MG, which includes the assumption of airport administration for a further 11 new airports by the end of November. The issue of noise is one of Aena's concerns, therefore, aiming for the transparency and sustainability of the business, we will continue the work carried out by Infraero focused on this topic, including the CGRA meetings.

Therefore, until the meeting cycle is completed and Aena takes over the conduct of the work, the latest meeting minutes carried out by Infraero will be available for consultation on our page. Other documents relevant to the topic will also be available for consultation.
Check out the Invitation Letters for the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission (CGRA) meetings in the box below, located at the bottom of this page. Meeting minutes are also available on this same box.

Noise map
Noise pollution is one of the main environmental aspects generated by airport activities. Therefore, Aena Brasil develops actions to measure, control and minimize the impact on the population adjacent to the airports managed by the company.

Through noise maps, the concessionaire assesses and identifies the noise level caused by airport activities, which is important for diagnosing the situation and adopting measures to control and mitigate the problem. See our noise maps in the table at the bottom of this page.

Call for meetings of the Noise Management Commission (CGR)

Call for the 1st Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission (CGRA) of the Deputy Freitas Nobre São Paulo - Congonhas Airport (SBSP) (1)

Call for the 4th Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission (CGRA) at Recife / Guararapes – Gilberto Freyre Airport (SBRF) (2)

Call for the 4th Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission (CGRA) at Maceió - Zumbi dos Palmares Airport (SBMO) (3)

Call for the 4th Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission (CGRA) at Aracaju - Santa Maria Airport (SBAR) (4)

 Call for the 4th Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission (CGRA) at João Pessoa Airport – Presidente Castro Pinto (SBJP) (5)

Call for the 4th Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission (CGRA) at Juazeiro do Norte Airport – Orlando Bezerra de Menezes (SBJU) (6)

Call for the 1st Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission (CGRA) at Campina Grande Airport – President João Suassuna (SBKG) (7)

Call for the 1st Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission (CGRA) at Campo Grande Airport a (SBCG) (8)

Strategies and Policies - Northeast Airports

Sustainability Strategies - Annual Report (1) / Sustainability Policy (2)

Gilberto Freyre Recife - Guararapes International Airport (SBRF)

Calls for the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission

Meetings of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission are held every six months, in accordance with RBAC 161, with the participation of representatives of the air operator and public authorities.

Fourth CGRA Meeting - 05/10/2024, at 10am (1)
Fifth CGRA Meeting - 11/8/2024, at 10am (2)

CGRA Minutes/Presentation

First CGRA Meeting - 12/22/2022, at 2pm (3)
Second CGRA Meeting - 06/26/2023, at 10am (4)
Third CGRA Meeting - 12/15/2023, at 10am (5)
Fourth CGRA Meeting - 05/10/2024, at 10am (6)

Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR)

The Specific Noise Zoning Plan for Recife/Guararapes International Airport had a favorable opinion from ANAC through Official Letter No. 57/2024/GTPI/GCOP/SIA on 04/26/2024

Specific Noise Zoning Plan - PEZR/SBRF (7)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report

Access the Annual Aeronautical Noise Report, prepared in accordance with the recommendations of RBAC 161.

2022 Annual Aircraft Noise Report (8)
2023 Annual Aircraft Noise Report (9)

Acoustic Monitoring

Access the report with Aeronautical Noise Monitoring campaigns in the region surrounding Gilberto Freyre Airport.

Aeronautical Noise Monitoring for the first half of 2024 (10)

Aena Informa - Aeronautical Noise Reports and operational changes

This space is dedicated to the dissemination of Aena Brasil communications related to aeronautical noise, including information on operational changes that may impact communities around the airport in relation to aeronautical noise levels. 

Expression and consultation channel

Access the Aena Brasil Ombudsman channel to register your opinion on Aeronautical Noise. In the "Subject" field, choose the "Aircraft Noise" option. In order to properly address manifestations related to Aeronautical Noise, inform the aircraft type, location and time of the nuisance in the description, including the name of the street, number, neighborhood, city and zip code. 

Zumbi dos Palmares - Maceió Airport (SBMO)

Calls for the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission

The Meetings of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission are held every six months, in accordance with RBAC 161, with the participation of representatives of the air operator and public authorities.

Fourth CGRA Meeting – 05/08/2024, at 10:00 am (1)
Fifth CGRA Meeting – 11/06/2024, at 10:00 am (2)

CGRA Minutes / Presentation

First CGRA Meeting – 12/14/2022, at 10:00 am (3)
Second CGRA Meeting – 06/30/2023, at 10:00 am (4)
Third CGRA Meeting – 12/14/2023, at 10:00 am (5)
Fourth CGRA Meeting – 05/08/2024, at 10:00 am (6)

Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR)

The Maceió International Airport Specific Noise Zoning Plan had a favorable opinion from ANAC through Official Letter No. 54/2024/GTPI/GCOP/SIA on 04/23/2024.

Specific Noise Zoning Plan – PEZR / SBMO (7)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report

Access the Annual Aeronautical Noise Report, prepared in accordance with the recommendations of RBAC 161.

2022 Annual Aircraft Noise Report (8)
2023 Annual Aircraft Noise Report (9)

Acoustic Monitoring

Access the report with Aeronautical Noise Monitoring campaigns in the region surrounding Zumbi dos Palmares Airport.

Aeronautical Noise Monitoring first half of 2024 (10)

Aena Informa – Aeronautical Noise Reports and operational changes

This space is dedicated to the dissemination of Aena Brasil communications related to aeronautical noise, including information on operational changes that may impact communities around the airport in relation to aeronautical noise levels.

Expression and consultation channel

Access the Aena Brasil Ombudsman channel to register your opinion on Aeronautical Noise. In the “Subject” field, choose the “Aircraft Noise” option. In order to properly address manifestations related to Aeronautical Noise, inform the aircraft type, location and time of the nuisance in the description, including the name of the street, number, neighborhood, city and zip code. 

Santa Maria - Aracaju International Airport (SBAR)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:

Report 2021 (1)
Report 2022 (2)
Report 2023 (3)

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Noise Curves - Current and Future Situation (4)
Overlapping Noise Curves - General Plan (5)

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:

Minutes of the first meeting (6)
Minutes of the second meeting (7)
Minutes of the fourth meeting (12)

Acoustic monitoring:

Report 2022 (8)
Report 1/2023 (9)

Atmospheric emissions:

Atmospheric emissions - LTO Cycle (10)
Air Quality Monitoring Report (11)

President João Suassuna - Campina Grande Airport (SBKG)

Calls for the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission

The Meetings of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission are held every six months, in accordance with RBAC 161, with the participation of representatives of the air operator and public authorities.

First CGRA Meeting – 05/09/2024, at 2:00 pm (1)
Second CGRA Meeting – 11/07/2024, at 2:00 pm (2)

CGRA Minutes / Presentation

First CGRA Meeting – 05/09/2024, at 2:00 pm (3)

Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR)

The Campina Grande Airport Specific Noise Zoning Plan had a favorable opinion from ANAC through Official Letter No. 50/2024/GTPI/GCOP/SAI on 04/17/2024.

Specific Noise Zoning Plan – PEZR / SBKG (4)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report

Access the Annual Aeronautical Noise Report, prepared in accordance with the recommendations of RBAC 161.

2023 Annual Aircraft Noise Report (5)

Acoustic Monitoring

Access the report with Aeronautical Noise Monitoring campaigns in the region surrounding Presidente João Suassuna Airport.

Aeronautical Noise Monitoring first half of 2024 (6)

Aena Informa – Aeronautical Noise Reports and operational changes

This space is dedicated to the dissemination of Aena Brasil communications related to aeronautical noise, including information on operational changes that may impact communities around the airport in relation to aeronautical noise levels.

Expression and consultation channel

Access the Aena Brasil Ombudsman channel to register your opinion on Aeronautical Noise. In the “Subject” field, choose the “Aircraft Noise” option.
In order to properly deal with manifestations related to Aeronautical Noise, inform the location of the nuisance in the description, including the name of the street, number, neighborhood, city and zip code.

President Castro Pinto - João Pessoa International Airport (SBJP)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:

Report 2021 (1)
Report 2022 (2)
Report 2023 (3)

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Noise Curves - Current and Future Situation (4)
Overlapping Noise Curves - General Plan (5)

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:

Minutes of the first meeting (6)
Minutes of the second meeting (7)
Minutes of the fourth meeting (10)

Acoustic monitoring:

Report 2022 (8)
Report 1/2023 (9)

Atmospheric emissions:

Atmospheric emissions - LTO Cycle (10)
Air Quality Monitoring Report (11)

Orlando Bezerra Menezes - Juazeiro do Norte Airport (SBJU)

Calls for the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission

The Meetings of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission are held every six months, in accordance with RBAC 161, with the participation of representatives of the air operator and public authorities.

Fourth CGRA Meeting – 05/10/2024, at 10am (1)
Fifth CGRA Meeting – 11/08/2024, at 10am (2)

CGRA Minutes / Presentation

First CGRA Meeting – 15/12/2022, at 4pm (3)
Second CGRA Meeting – 06/29/2023, at 10am (4)
Third CGRA Meeting – 12/13/2023, at 10am (5)
Fourth CGRA Meeting – 05/09/2024, at 10am (6)

Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR)

The Juazeiro do Norte Airport Specific Noise Zoning Plan had a favorable opinion from ANAC through Official Letter No. 62/2024/GTPI/GCOP/SIA on 05/10/2024.

Specific Noise Zoning Plan – PEZR / SBJU (7)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report

Access the Annual Aeronautical Noise Report, prepared in accordance with the recommendations of RBAC 161.

2022 Annual Aircraft Noise Report (8)
2023 Annual Aircraft Noise Report (9)

Acoustic Monitoring

Access the report with Aeronautical Noise Monitoring campaigns in the region surrounding Orlando Bezerra de Menezes Airport.

Aeronautical Noise Monitoring first half of 2024 (10)

Aena Informa – Aeronautical Noise Reports and operational changes

This space is dedicated to the dissemination of Aena Brasil communications related to aeronautical noise, including information on operational changes that may impact communities around the airport in relation to aeronautical noise levels.

Expression and consultation channel

Access the Aena Brasil Ombudsman channel to register your opinion on Aeronautical Noise. In the “Subject” field, choose the “Aircraft Noise” option.
In order for manifestations related to Aeronautical Noise to be properly addressed, provide the location of the nuisance in the description, including the name of the street, number, neighborhood, city and zip code.

Lt Col Aviator César Bombonato - Uberlândia Airport (SBUL)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:

Report 2022 (1)
Report 2024 (4)

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Overlapping Noise Curves - General Plan (2)

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:

Minutes of the first meeting 2023 (3)
Minutes of the first meeting 2024 (4)

Campo Grande International Airport (SBCG)

Calls for the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission

The Meetings of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission are held every six months, in accordance with RBAC 161, with the participation of representatives of the air operator and public authorities.

First CGRA Meeting – 06/19/2024, at 2:00 pm (1)
Second CGRA Meeting – 11/07/2024, at 2:00 pm (2)

CGRA Minutes / Presentation

First CGRA Meeting – 06/19/2024, at 2:00 pm (3)

Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR)

The Campo Grande Airport Specific Noise Zoning Plan had a favorable opinion from ANAC through Official Letter No. 102/2017/GTDA/GCOP/SIA-ANAC on 09/19/2017.

Basic Noise Zoning Plan – PEZR / SBCG (4)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report

Access the Annual Aeronautical Noise Report, prepared in accordance with the recommendations of RBAC 161.

2023 Annual Aircraft Noise Report (5)

Acoustic Monitoring

Access the report with Aeronautical Noise Monitoring campaigns in the region surrounding Campo Grande Airport.

In development.

Aena Informa – Aeronautical Noise Reports and operational changes

This space is dedicated to the dissemination of Aena Brasil communications related to aeronautical noise, including information on operational changes that may impact communities around the airport in relation to aeronautical noise levels.

Expression and consultation channel

Access the Aena Brasil Ombudsman channel to register your opinion on Aeronautical Noise. In the “Subject” field, choose the “Aircraft Noise” option. In order to properly deal with manifestations related to Aeronautical Noise, inform the location of the nuisance in the description, including the name of the street, number, neighborhood, city and zip code.

Deputy Freitas Nobre São Paulo - Congonhas Airport (SBSP)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:

Report 2022 (1)
Report 2023 (8)

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Overlapping Noise Curves - General Plan (2)

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:

Minutes of the last meeting - CGRA Infraero (3)
Minutes of the first meeting - CGRA Aena (4)

Other documents:

NADP Study - CGH - June_2024 (5)
Complaints Statistics and Location Map of the nuisance - CGH_JUNHO (6)
Presentation CGRA 18 APR 2024 (7)
Noise Monitoring Report - relatório mensal - October 2023 (9)
Noise Monitoring Report - relatório mensal - November 2023 (10)
Noise Monitoring Report - relatório mensal - December 2023 (11)
Noise Monitoring Report - relatório mensal - January 2024 (12)
Noise Monitoring Report - relatório mensal - February 2024 (13)
Noise Monitoring Report - relatório mensal - March 2024 (14)
Noise Monitoring Report - relatório mensal - April 2024 (15)
Noise Monitoring Report - relatório mensal - May 2024 (16)

Corumbá International Airport (SBCR)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:

Report 2022 (1)
Report 2024 (4)

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Overlapping Noise Curves - General Plan (2)

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:

Minutes of the first meeting 2023 (3)
Minutes of the first meeting 2024 (4)

Ponta Porã International Airport (SBPP)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:


Conductor Wilson Fonseca - Santarém International Airport (SBSN)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:
Report 2024 (2)

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:

Minutes of the first meeting (1)

Marabá Airport - João Correa da Rocha (SBMA)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:

Parauapebas - Carajás Airport (SBCJ)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:


Altamira Interstate Airport (SBHT)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:

Mário de Almeida Franco - Uberaba Airport (SBUR)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:

Mário Ribeiro - Montes Claros Airport (SBMK)

Annual Aircraft Noise Report:
Report 2024 (2)

Specific Noise Zoning Plan (PEZR):

Meeting of the Aeronautical Noise Management Commission – CGRA:

Minutes of the first meeting (1)