About us
Aena Brasil is the brand of the Brazilian operation of the Spanish company Aena, the largest airport operator in the world in terms of passenger numbers, responsible for managing 46 airports and two heliports in Spain. It also owns 51% of London-Luton Airport and operates in Mexico (12 airports) and Jamaica (2).
In Brazil since 2020, the concessionaire manages 17 airports, which are responsible for around 20% of national air traffic, thus consolidating itself as the largest network of airports granted in the country. With extensive experience in managing network equipment, the company promotes an integrated approach, increasing synergy and promoting more efficiency in its operations.
The Brazilian operation is made up of two special purpose companies, one for each concession block:
ANB - Aeroportos do Nordeste do Brasil, responsible for Concession Contract number 001/ANAC/2019, CNPJ 33.919.741/0001-20, with headquarters at Rua Barão de Souza Leão, 425, 19th floor, Boa Viagem, Recife-PE, CEP: 51.030-300. ANB manages the airports of Recife-PE, Maceió-AL, Aracaju-SE, João Pessoa-PB, Juazeiro do Norte-CE and Campina Grande-PB.
BOAB - Bloco dos Onze Aeroportos do Brasil, responsible for Concession Contract number 002/ANAC/2023, CNPJ 48.725.405/0001-13, with headquarters at Avenida Washington Luís, s/n, Vila Congonhas, CEP 04.626-911, São Paulo/SP. BOAB manages the airports of Congonhas-SP, Campo Grande–MS, Corumbá–MS, Ponta Porã-MS, Santarém-PA, Marabá-PA, Carajás–PA, Altamira-PA, Uberlândia-MG, Montes Claros-MG and Uberaba -MG.
Aena Brasil aims to guarantee all customers, passengers, and airlines the highest standards of quality, safety and service. It is committed to offering increasingly comfortable and technological travel experiences for passengers, also serving all airport users with quality. In addition, it is guided by best practices, defending an ethical, innovative and sustainable performance.
The concessionaire's business model is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda, contributing with local actions to achieve global goals. In the area of influence of airports, the company stands alongside all partners to play a role in favoring local development, in a permanent commitment to economic, social and environmental factors.
Aena Brasil believes in a better and more connected world for everyone.