Mário Ribeiro - Montes Claros Airport
The airport
In the north of the state of Minas Gerais, Montes Claros, 422 kilometers from the capital of Minas Gerais, stands out for its industries, commerce, and services sector. The municipality also has several natural, historical, and cultural attractions, such as parks and archaeological sites that attract many tourists.
Seven kilometers from the city center, Montes Claros Airport connects the North of Minas, with regional and national flights, to other cities and capitals in Brazil, playing an important role for the local and surrounding economy.
The airport site occupies a total area of more than 1.9 million square meters and has the capacity to receive 1.5 million passengers per year. Check out other features of Montes Claros Airport – Mário Ribeiro:
Address: Av. Comandante João Milton, s/nº, Bairro Jaraguá, CEP: 39404-844
Acronyms Iata/Icao: MOC/SBMK
Airport site: 1.989 million meters²
Aircraft apron: 20,035 meters²
Permanence: Maneuvering yard: 10 positions
Aircraft parking: 03 positions for commercial aviation and 07 for general aviation
Track dimensions: 2,100m x 45m
Passenger terminal: 1,857 meters²
Passenger capacity/year: 1.5 million
Vehicle parking: 202 spaces for cars / 36 spaces for motorcycles